Thursday, 24 December 2015

Sticky Notes from the Agile Scaling Tour

“Sticky Notes” from my recent Agile Scaling Speaking Tour covering Agile Scaling Methods (SAFE, LESS, DAD, Spotify, SOS, Nexus).  This week we cover some key points and learnings from the conferences, and conversations with speakers and participants.

Friday, 4 December 2015

Agile Scaling Tour - SAFe v LESS

Today we re-visit one of the most popular Auspicious Agile video blog posts.  This one covers a comparison of LESS vs SAFe.

Here is the full playlist of Agile Scaling videos prepared for my "Agile Scaling Tour" speaking series covering LESS, SAFE, Scrum-of-Scrums, Nexus, Spotify, DAD, DevOps, and the Shu-Ha-Ri approach to becoming an Agile practitioner @ scale. 

Agile Scaling Tour Playlist featured in InfoQ -

All the best, and until next time Stay Agile!